Monday, August 27, 2007

quote of the week

“It took him a moment to understand what he was looking at, many miles ahead, the city floating on the night, a feverish sprawl of light so quick and inexplicable, it seemed a kind of delirium. He wondered why he'd never thought of himself in the middle of such a thing, living there more or less. He lived in rooms, that's why. He lived and worked in this room and that. He moved only marginally, room to room. He took a taxi to and from the downtown street where his hotel was located, a place without floor mosaics and heated towel racks, and he hadn't known until now, looking at that vast band of trembling desert neon, how strange a life he was living. But only from here, out away from it. In the thing itself, down close, in the tight eyes around the table, there was nothing that was not normal.”
(Don DeLillo, Falling Man (2007))

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

“the torch” #13 – in the crux: motivation

“The Torch” holds that when it comes to growing your film from the soils of your heartland, with your faithful friends tending to the unlikely sprout, you have to have a plan of how best to keep the initial motivation for the project alive. On tight budget constraints especially, any display of vainglorious ingeniousness seems ill placed – assuming that you really want to see the thing through to the end, and testing your own staying power in the process. Therefore, so it goes, your rising to the occasion of that one big challenge to realize your dream calls for more than just a brilliant idea and high ambition, but rather the capacity to make a decision in accordance with a pre-established order of sensible priorities is the key to (possible) success. In you who want to get involved with such an undertaking, presumably by joining the ranks of young, independent cinema production anywhere on the globe, trust and good oversight need to keep balance.
On all of this you're welcome to cast your vote: here.


Monday, August 20, 2007

quote of the week

“Not so fast! We're having a discussion here, so shut up and listen.”
(Natsume Soseki, Wagahai wa neko de aru (1907))

Monday, August 13, 2007

quote of the week

“Wenn es Antworten gäbe, gäbe es schon längst keine Fragen mehr.” / “If there were any answers, there wouldn't be any questions no more.”
(Martin Walser (2007))

Thursday, August 09, 2007

HU-Japanologie: Screenings in August

Just to reverify the fact: August is the month we rest. Well, some of us do, anyway, so there will be no screenings of Japanese films, past or classics, this month. And as there are no details on the matter (go out and have fun whatever way you see fit!) there is no link, no nothing here.

Check again next time on what the Japan Film-AG or Arsenal have in store – so you know, right?


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Falling Man

It's already been a while now since the new novel by American Master Don DeLillo, “Falling Man”, has been published by Scribner, and naturally reading it instantly was all but compulsory, a privilege. I have taken my time with it, thinking about the work's content and import, the writing as such. Yet still, I haven't been able to make up my mind in all clarity about this one, not to any satisfactory degree. So for the time being I'll give you what half-digested thoughts and impressions this very touching piece of literature has left me with so far. And much of what is there is open for future revision and added insights, will remain so for quite some time, I guess.

First findings:

Lianne and Keith, to me they are like two distinct bodies hit by something hard on that day, September 11th of 2001. Depending on their differing matter density and inner structure, their sense and understanding of self, their life disposition, the effect varies greatly: the softer one will be rocked to the core and her very foundation, and although her days may reverberate from many aftershocks for quite a while, the impact will eventually be absorbed. Whereas the less flexible, manly entity may very well be shattered by it and find himself irreversibly damaged for life. Strange to me in this context the following observation: that oftentimes DeLillo's invented characters are so bottom-line representative of something larger, a more encompassing type, I can hardly remember them by their names.

All in all “Falling Man” is written with a deceptive beauty, which even for a DeLillo novel is well worth mentioning as one of the most integral virtues this book is distinguished by, placing it in the context of his entire oeuvre somewhere between “Underworld” and “The Body Artist” - though it doesn't reach either one of these in terms of general literary achievement, I reckon. His language is undoubtedly unparalleled by anyone writing in English today and at times treats you to a staccato of enlightenment that is simply breathtaking and affords you to sit back, let the words sink in with their resounding voice – and re-read the whole passage.
The kind of detailed, almost spectral observations you encounter in the text can be gripping like little else DeLillo has produced so far, and they are affecting and deeply human. Dialogue is terse, charged with sound more real than any copy (“simulacrum”) of the real that you can find with any other writer. And this, too, has long since become a trademark of his, which he is widely, and rightfully recognized for. What's more, is the fact that with “Falling Man” all its binding power lies with exactly this, the astounding quality and precision of its lyrical prose. Structure for once seems a marginal component. To me the book is rather a listening into the protagonists and the times and their unease, as opposed to a spelling out what was and became of it. Fascinating to see how it evokes a distinct atmosphere that was really, ominously felt six years ago, even here, in Europe. It is literally as close to the event as you can possibly get, and yet, at the same time, it also features an inbuilt distance, an abstraction or overriding awareness if you will, like bruised skin healing.

But this is also the point where any serious reviewer shouldn't fail to acknowledge the fact that he hasn't gotten away from the text yet, something I shall hereby admit to, and freely. Other than that however, I insist that “Falling Man” is indeed a great piece of writing – I wouldn't call it a masterpiece; not by DeLillo's standards that is. It is good to see how this author who has already profoundly taken root in our reading public's collective mind, who has long ago established himself as a towering figure in contemporary literature and is a guiding influence to so many younger generation writers, how somebody that “established” doesn't shy away from challenging himself in his capacity and authority as a chronicler of his age and its conditions just so uncompromisingly: by taking on fully a topic, a motif, 9/11, which like no other bared one naked truth lying at the heart and centre of his writing. This is a daring endeavor and inspires a lot of respect, just as it reinforces the necessity to face up to the more hurtful instances of life – by writing about them, by telling them out, in a sense. To which ongoing process this one by all accounts clearly is a valid contribution.

Though I have my difficulties determining just how good “Falling Man” really is, I truly think it high time for Mr. DeLillo to be awarded the Nobel Prize finally this year. So, we're in for some waiting for that phone call from Sweden I'd say, and let it be for “Underworld” or his life's contribution to the art of Literature!

I'm not quite finished with this book, I feel, I will have to think about it some more. Meanwhile I'd be happy to get further clues from you, further insights and opinions, OK? And in case you haven't gotten your copy yet: the ideal opportunity to make up for this comes right here (hier).


Monday, August 06, 2007

quote of the week

In the sunless forest
of Ritigala

heat in the stone
heat in the airless black shadows

nine soldiers on leave
strip uniforms off
and dig a well

to give thanks
for surviving this war

A puja in an unnamed grove
the way someone you know
might lean forward
and mark the place
where your soul is
- always, they say,
near to a wound.

In the sunless forest

crouched by a forest well

pulling what was lost
out of the depth.

(Michael Ondaatje, Wells (1998))

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A landmark

Share with me the joyful news that (to my knowledge) there is a momentous premiere for Singaporean film in Germany to celebrate: Eric Khoo’s brilliantly affecting “Be With Me” of 2005 (and winner of this year’s ymagonale audience award btw) is now the first ever feature film from Singapore to get a limited theatrical release, in Berlin of course. Thanks to the tireless efforts and good care of trigon-film (Switzerland), who have secured a more than deserved total of 11.115 admissions for this fine movie so far, July 17th saw “Be With Me” finally making its overdue debut at this city’s box office.
Screenings (OmU) will continue all week at the Fsk am Oranienplatz, Segitzdamm 2, 10969 Berlin, 18:00 and 22:15 respectively. So don’t miss out on catching this one while it lasts; it really is excellent, take my word for it!

(pic©Zhao Wei Films)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

“the torch” #12 – The Story is your Mentor

In this week's column comes a telling and a truth: a storyline's inner truth takes the helm and - what happens? See whether you want to follow up on the argument that indeed, and convincingly so in a motion picture, the guiding power can be entrusted in the care of a tale's inner logic, to stay the course of a most natural unfolding that is suspense- and meaningful to the audience. Things get a bit philosophical, almost mystical even, when strong storytelling in a movie is claimed to lie where the visual connection is allowed to take root and unfold according to its own pattern call, resonating with the background of any viewer's versed in the canonical, or the universally human, the much talked about (and sought after) “global appeal”.
It's up for a lively debate: here, the verdict is yours.
