Monday, June 30, 2008

quote of the week

“There are a number of different religions in Utopia. Indeed, each city contains adherents of different faiths. Some worship the sun as their god, others the moon, and others one of the planets. Some Utopians believe that a certain human being, who was remarkable, long ago, either for his virtue or for his vanity, was not only a god, but the supreme god. But a substantial majority of Utopians, including nearly all the wiser citizens, believe in none of these religions.”
(Saint/Sir Thomas More, Utopia (1516))

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

“the torch” #35 – in the crux: Acting - what role does the actor play?

To identify and empathize – these are two of the most fundamental capacities and distinguishing us as human beings as to set us apart from the animal world. What the arts can provide us with, in the best of cases, is a deepened insight and heightened awareness of our shared condition and nature, by giving a representation that we can relate to – if the part is convincing. And this too often proves to be the crucial point and Achilles’ heel in much of what we can observe in the contemporary film landscape: the acting. What is being neglected, or wherein exactly do we need a renewal of effort to improve the record on this count to successfully enhance the performance of our movies and to make the cinematic real have an impact again? The actor nowadays, in a world of constant and all-inclusive display of self-re-enactment (the simulacrum-dilemma of modern times you might call it), appears more challenged than ever and therefore must get back to the very basics of their craft. Such is the appeal made by “The Torch” this week, here.


Monday, June 23, 2008

quote of the week

“And so it was not the nasty thorn of jealousy that pricked his soul in this case. But he did explore all the feelings that intoxication and passion can explore once they catch a glimpse of themselves in the world outside, feelings that are the strangest mixture of disgust and shared emotions. If we are to get on with our story, however, it will be impossible to fathom and analyze all of that.”
(Thomas Mann, Der Zauberberg/The Magic Mountain (1924))

Saturday, June 21, 2008

AHSB 2009 – now open for entries!

For all of you who may or may not have been waiting these past weeks for this call for entries to come forward, let me now officially inform you that ASIAN HOT SHOTS BERLIN film festival 2009 will be running January 13-18 next year and is from today on ready to accept your entries of films (short or feature concluded in 2007 or 2008) of any genre for its 2nd edition programming!

Don’t wait any longer to check out all the details and regulations on the webby here – then make your submission! And do remember: Berlin is always worth the visit. Audience is made up of real movie-lovers and sophisticated by nature, so to connect here and get a good feedback might serve you better than a million other festivals combined. Wanna contest and compete? Well, go ahead and bring your movie, you’re welcome!

(pic©green chilies e.V.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

quote of the week

“Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward!”
(Hillary Clinton (June 7, 2008))


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

“the torch” #34 – Mainstreaming: On bringing your film in line with the system

To go with the mainstream is but one option for successfully launching (or maintaining) your career into filmmaking – if only too mundane for some to keep them from pursuing their alleged higher calling. The separation on closer observation soon enough will emerge as somewhat artificial and self-serving when in fact the so-called “artsy-fartsy” and what’s being labelled as “commercial” oftentimes are considerably less than worlds apart. For even the main stream of things has its branches and inlets to sport some sweet indulgence from time to time, that anyone so inclined can take their time and brain space off and foster their creativity forever fresh and anew.
The legend whereby film industry and art-house film are mutually exclusive – I want it thrown right out the window once and for all. Let this counterproductive myth rot on the garbage dump of history where it belongs and let real innovation make sense out of entertainment. Do you agree or not? You will find the main thesis: here.


Monday, June 09, 2008

quote of the week

“If you never say good-bye to the best things in your life | There are things you don't appreciate at all | So it's best that you don't try holding back the time | Are you ever gonna be quite satisfied?”
(Lighthouse Family/Paul Tucker, Postcards From Heaven (1997))

Sunday, June 08, 2008

my list of things I'm lacking*

  1. time
  2. money
  3. patience
  4. trust
  5. sleep
  6. discipline
  7. focus
  8. support
  9. humility
  10. genius
* just noticed list is in fact equally valid if in reverse

Monday, June 02, 2008

quote of the week

“A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.”
(sexist truism, timeless)