Wednesday, September 05, 2007

“the torch” #14 – Playing your film?

This week's column takes a look at a possible (advisable?) cross-over between the two distinct realms of film and computer games. In our technology driven entertainment landscape there is a new call of duty that aspiring and audacious filmmakers would have to answer, producers and investors first among them, namely to explore new and original ways in which to reconcile each craft's rightful claim to consumer attention. The point is being made that indeed there is a connection already there, which is in the principal objective to interpret the real in certain ways, the inherent drive to re-late the viewer/gamer by letting them make/follow playful improvisations which remain firmly grounded in their grip on the known world – no matter the level of fantasy abstraction. Here you can explore for yourself how the challenge to sustain interest in high quality productions may necessitate to overcome your safe entrenchment of long standing and evolve the standard lines of approach to your art.


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