Wednesday, December 05, 2007

“the torch” #21 – Distinguishing features – a comparative reading of Eric Khoo’s “Mee Pok Man” and “12 Storeys”

Heralded the godfather of that Singapore cinema renaissance currently in full swing, Eric Khoo has won due recognition both, at home and abroad, for his many merits in building a sustainable filmmaking scene in his country. Working tirelessly on the field’s many fronts, as producer, talent scout and facilitator for the already famous “2nd generation”, there can be little doubting the man’s abilities. Yet almost, it seems, have those other time-consuming activities overshadowed his no less noteworthy achievements as a prolific director of short films and three features. To remedy this noted ill (or if only to keep it from developing any further), you can now rediscover what groundbreaking contributions Mr. Khoo has to his name by re-visiting and -assessing his films; as done already for our common good by: The Torch.


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