Wednesday, May 14, 2008

“the torch” #32 – in the crux: sounds and scores

Music being probably the first art form ever practiced by mankind, and music being also the most mysteriously assertive expression of life (for it is well established how it works its wonders not just on us human beings alone), it is only reasonable to investigate its role in film. The acoustic layer of our perceiving a movie has been an issue from the earliest days, and the silent era certainly no exception. Whether it is meant to accompany a picture or to speak its own voice, music has the power to enlarge what and whomever it touches upon. Accordingly, any filmmaker has to be aware of the manifold implications that come with utilizing a score to enhance the visual performance, and to explore what further potential for innovation of the craft this may hold in store. If you want to follow up on the ongoing discussion about what a film should sound like, or join in yourself – you’re most welcome: here.


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