Wednesday, June 11, 2008

“the torch” #34 – Mainstreaming: On bringing your film in line with the system

To go with the mainstream is but one option for successfully launching (or maintaining) your career into filmmaking – if only too mundane for some to keep them from pursuing their alleged higher calling. The separation on closer observation soon enough will emerge as somewhat artificial and self-serving when in fact the so-called “artsy-fartsy” and what’s being labelled as “commercial” oftentimes are considerably less than worlds apart. For even the main stream of things has its branches and inlets to sport some sweet indulgence from time to time, that anyone so inclined can take their time and brain space off and foster their creativity forever fresh and anew.
The legend whereby film industry and art-house film are mutually exclusive – I want it thrown right out the window once and for all. Let this counterproductive myth rot on the garbage dump of history where it belongs and let real innovation make sense out of entertainment. Do you agree or not? You will find the main thesis: here.


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