Wednesday, August 06, 2008

“the torch” #38 – in the crux: location scouting

The Here and Now is ideally located between the Then and There and all that which it is impossible to foretell: our forever elusive future, wherever it may lead us. On this we have common ground, and an acute awareness – as well as an existential need – to reassure ourselves of who (and where) we are by relating the stories of our individual pasts and weave them into one large and sweeping fabric of togetherness and human belonging. To this end we apply all kinds of expression to forge a narrative that has the coherence (and resiliency) to support. As history manifests itself in our minds and finds itself often attached to objects or places we hold dear or dread, every filmmaker is confronted with the task of identifying the one and only perfect setting for their movie. “The Torch” in this week’s edition probes into the choices and options, their various deep implications, in the matter of scouting for the right location and handling of place in a motion picture coming to life. You find it: here.


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