“the torch” #43 – What about quality? - putting the Singapore instant into doubt
When I first noticed that little sticker on the DVD of 881 calling it a “true Singapore instant classic” I thought it was a joke, really. But no, they actually mean it!
What, then, lies behind that craze about efficiency, rapidity and the instantaneous in every moment, experience and every conceivable kind of product especially, that we witness in the ambitious island nation of Singapore today? How does the seemingly all-pervasive obsession with everything quick and easy affect the country’s blossoming movie industry, and young independent filmmakers in particular? Can quality truly be achieved – let alone maintained – in an environment that doesn’t seem to cherish the essence for which there can never be a short-cut, never a substitute, and that is time? Give it a moment to reflect on the topic, then join this controversial discussion right: here.
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