Saturday, December 23, 2006

Get us a Constitution!

proto-ymagon would like to give Romania and Bulgaria a warm and heartfelt “Welcome!” on the occasion of their joining the European Union on January 1st 2007!
Now with the EU newly enlarged to 27 member states, there obviously is quite a lot that needs to be done, improved, to enable its body to function in a proper way that benefits all its members and population.

There is no doubt in my mind that we as Europeans are right now in the very middle of living through and partaking in a process which in itself constitutes a legacy to humankind of truly global import. No trifle matter, but a historic task and exercise in comity. It will not be fulfilled unless it is sought and won every day anew. It won't serve as an ennoblement for any museum's display but remains a constant challenge to an ardent civil self-empowerment, which permanently has to prove itself, transforming our understanding of who we are in the process. Imparting Civilization.

Equally beyond question to me, the concept of Nation state has run its course in this part of the world. A United States of Europe has to be our ultimate aim. But this requires a rooted sense of a European citizenship, first. Civility, profoundly based on all of our European history and its demands, that is what is called for more than ever. Thereupon it will depend, the direction into which our common future is headed, with nothing less than global implications.

With the European Constitution up on the agenda once more under a German EU Presidency in the first half of 2007, we do have a truly historic opportunity to make one decisive step toward the goal of achieving a European statehood. So, let's not waste it! Show some leadership and get us a constitution! This imperative is addressed to no politician (alone), but to every one who feel themselves citizens of Europe.


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