Friday, December 22, 2006

Lighting “the torch”

Here's a newly added “friendly link” to proto-ymagon for all those of you who are seriously interested in all the possible and impossible ways of, and news on independent film making in Singapore: This is a handsomely, one feels obliged to say: crafted site, set up and professionally run by folks with a keen awareness of the days demands, focusing on the entire spectrum, really, of what it takes to make it in the business (and to make it a business to Singapore to begin with!). Frankly, I think it the best place on the net to keep yourself informed and up-to-date on all that is going on in the city-state's film industry, which according to some “is in its infancy again”.

So you want to stay abreast of latest developments in this “unfolding story”? You want to check out possible connections and get in touch with real creative and daring and inspiring people? Just have a look - and I'm sure there's something to be found in there for each and everyone of you. As you may have noticed by now, I'm myself very much interested in Singapore specifically (uniquely...) and therefore you'll find references to going-ons over there every now and then here on proto-ymagon. In addition to that, however, you may just as well check out mo's fortnightly column “the torch” on, which heads off this week. You'll find more on this and all the above mentioned here.



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