Thursday, February 15, 2007

10/1 – Berlinale Day 7

I am very much in favor of diversity anyway, so after yesterday's entertaining J-day I thought I would stay the course while at the same time switching the format. So it was anime for me today, some rather obscure species around here, still.

30th Generation
“Tekkon kinkreet”, Michael Arias (Japan)
Unscathed by the city? Visually gratifying, huge score, superb subtitling.

The days ahead mean the showdown on this Berlinale and savouring the event while it's ongoing makes me look forward to the films, naturally, but also to the burning question of who wins what being finally, irrevocably answered. And as this is industry-important and decides on careers as well, I wish the best for everyone in competition, even as I myself have bypassed most of it to see the ones not likely to be screened big time in Germany again. Picking up the gems, it is.
And on it goes...


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